Reduce Your Risks, Make More Sales, Write Better.
Take advantage of John Bachner's webinars. Bachner's wisdom and wit have been protecting and delighting technical professionals for more than five decades. Now, get it on demand one cost-effective hour at a time and fortify your staff for the hectic times to come.
Each lasts one hour. Each brings succinct guidance within a format laced with humor, what John calls "edutainment." Just a few if the topics include "Dirty Words" (words engineering, environmental, and construction-quality professionals need to avoid and why); "Expectations Management"; "Gaining Referrals: Their Worth; Gaining More of Them"; "Limitation of Liability"; and Profreading 101."
Click here for the complete list, trailers, and information about renting or purchasing these important presentations. Click here to see all the handouts.
25 Words You Need to Know How to Spell (because Spellczech Won't Help)
Clients for Life: Their Worth; Creating Them and Keeping Them
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about List Preparation (but Were Afraid to Ask)
Gaining Referrals: Their Worth; Gaining More of Them
Justice Theater: Litigation and the Resolution of Your Disputes
Negligence and the Standard of Care
Personal Pronouns: The Most Dangerous Words of All
Risk Management and Effective Documentation
The Scientific Style for Today's Nonscientific Readers
Simple Steps for Successful Selling for People Who Don't Like To Sell
There It Isn't; Simple but Highly Effective Editorial Tricks