By John Bachner

Selected Books

Achat de Services d’Ingeneurs, d’Architectes et de Professionnels de L’Environnement (Published by Assciation des Ingenieurs-Conseils du Quebec, 1999)

Alternative Dispute Resolution for the Construction Industry(Published by Association of Soil and Foundation Engineers, 1985)

ASFE Guide to Third-Party Reliance (Published by ASFE, Inc., 2011)

Contract Reference Guide (Published by Association of Soil and Foundation Engineers, 2000)

Derailed by Dispute (Published by ASFE, Inc., 2008)

DPIC Companies’ Guide to Better Contracts (Published by the DPIC Companies, 1987)

EXPERT: A Guide to Service as a Forensic Professional and Expert Witness (Published by Association of Soil and Foundation Engineers, 1989)

Getting the Most from Your Lighting Dollar, Second Edition (Published by the National Lighting Bureau, 1991)

Getting Paid (Published by the Geoprofessional Business Association)

Industrial Lighting Handbook (Published by the National Lighting Bureau, 1991)

Lighting Energy Management for Colleges and Universities (Published by the National Lighting Bureau and he Energy Task Force, 1982)

Lighting Energy Management for Offices and Office Buildings (Published by the National Lighting Bureau and BOMA international, 1995)

Lighting Energy Management in Retailing (Published by the National Lighting Bureau, 1985)

Marketing and Promotion for Design Professionals (with Naresh Kumar Khosla, Published by van Nostrand Reinhold 1977)

Office Lighting and Productivity (Published by the National Lighting Bureau and the Property Management Association, 1988)

Performing a Lighting System Audit, Revised Edition (Published by the National Lighting Bureau, 1994)

Practice Management for Design Professionals (Published by John Wiley & Sons, 1991)

Profiting from Lighting Modernization (Published by the National Lighting Bureau, 1989)

Public Relations for Nursing Homes (Published by Charles C. Thomas 1974)

Purchasing the Services of Engineers, Architects, and Environmental Professionals (Published by Quixote Press 1996)

Solving the Puzzle of VDT Viewing Problems (Published by the National Lighting Bureau, 1986)

The Energy-Saver’s Guide to Good Outdoor Lighting (Published by the National Lighting Bureau, 1996)

The Guide to Practical Property Management (Published by McGraw-Hill 1991)

The NLB Guide to Energy-Efficient Lighting Systems (Published by the National Lighting Bureau, Lighting Controls Council of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. General Services Administration, 1994)